I'm building a pc with the following: Core 2 quad Q6600 running at 2.4Ghz but going to overclock hopefully to 3Ghz + Asus 750I SlI mainboard 2 gigs DDR2 800Mhz Geforce 9800 GTX 500 gig hard drive DVD drive but Im not sure what brand or power PSU to go with, i currently have a 400 watt Atx eurotech psu but I presume thats not quite going to cut it. Any suggestions? And any general comments on the pc? note that I already have all the parts exept the GPU so I cant change much. Thanks
Indeed, it won't be sufficient. It's a shame you didn't ask first as you have ordered a pretty terrible motherboard. Fortunately you can still change the GPU for a much better Radeon HD4850, which I strongly recommend. A Corsair VX 450W unit will power this system fine.
How good is the quality of a Raidmax Volcano psu? Is the main drawback with the Asus board that it can't overclock? What board would you have suggested? Thanks for the advice
Very poor, I strongly advise against you buying one. The drawback of the Asus board is that it will give you stability issues and ultimately stop working barely more than a year after purchase. That's no so much a problem with Asus (though it does happen to their cheaper boards), more a problem with the nforce chipset it uses. The 650,680,780 and 790i chipsets are pretty disgraceful.
How is the coolermaster real power pro series? and i wanted to ask how good the stock fans are in a raidmax xforce case? it comes two raidmax 120 mm, and 1 of these massive 230mm fans. how efficient is this cooling again shot for everything
Realpower units are pretty naff. I recommended that Corsair for a reason. Cheap Raidmax cases with 230mm fans aren't as god as you might think. There's nothing wrong with the fans themselves, but the design of the case isn't any better than one that just uses one or two 120mm fans.
ya iv just been having trouble getting hold of a corsair psu. what do you think of upgrading the mother board from the Asus P5N-D to a Gigabyte GA-EP45T-UD3R and upgrading memory to Corsair DDR3 XMS3 DHX 1333mhz?
Which country do you live in? I'll find a suitable PSU you can buy. Yes, I would strongly suggest a motherboard swap, but DDR3 is completely unnecessary. Stick with the normal EP45-UD3R and get XMS2 DDR2 RAM, 1066mhz will do fine.
South Africa but iv managed to find that corsair vx 450 watt so its fine thanks. I plan to overclock that q6600 what sort of cooling would you recommend for it? i can get the Asus Artic Square on special
Noctua NH-U12 or similar, Thermalright Ultra-120 series, Tuniq Tower series, Xigmatek S1283, any of those.
I sold that Asus P5N-D 750i motherboard, but the guy tells me that it wont post with all four ram slots filled with a total of 4 gigs. It only post's with 3 gigs in three slots, but all ram sticks work fine and each individual ram slot works fine on its own. Could this possibly have anything to do with the psu not being capable of running the board with all slots filled or something?
Whatsup, again, So now the building is looking like this: Q6600 with the thermalright ultra-120extreme cooler Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R Corsair Dominator DDR2 1066Mhz Twin 1GB modules X2= 4 1GB modules HIS Radeon HD4850 1GB Samsung SATA 16mb cache 7200rmp 500 gig DVD writer and hopefully a blu-ray drive at a later date Corsair HX520W Many questions: Would HX520w be unnecessary? would the HX450w run it fine? Notice the 4 modules of 1GB ram instead of 2 modules of 2GB because its cheaper to get 4GB that way, what do you think about doing that? How about the HD? Samsung wouldn't be my first choice but what do you think? iv also heard of using 2 HD's set to RAID0 for improved performance........? Thanks........
Nope its a mobo problem as I have this mobo. Havent had that problem but the manual doesnt recommend that set up if I recall correctly. The board isnt that bad, but i have heard it doesnt oc well and for me the nvidia chip set has been a pain at times. As for a HDD if you can spend about $5 extra I would go with this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136073 If you can find a Pioneer 115D there a great DVD Burner.
The HX450 would run that system fine, ys. 2x2GB is miles better than 4x1GB, I strongly suggest you use 2GB modules, especially if overclocking. I'd advise against RAID if you don't know much about it. Generally my first choice for HDDs is WD, indeed the very drive XPlorer linked to.
and if i exchanged the single HD4850 1GB card for a HD4850 X2 2GB card I presume then the 450w wouldn't run that? Sorry i keep on adding stuff but I've discovered that if I buy from Newegg, and, besides the exchange rate, shipping to South Africa and vat, I can get about a grand (rands) off each piece of equipment instead of buying it from SA. Gotta love America. How much would adding 2 more gigs of ram actually help? (for gaming) Thanks
I wouldn't recommend it. The 520 would though, as I ran my OC'ed Q9550 and an HD4870X2 on that very PSU for several months without incident. Adding 2GB more RAM helps a fair bit for some higher end games in XP, and is an absolute godsend in Vista.