Putting old-ish PC games on a DSi?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Sevas, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. Sevas

    Sevas Member

    Jan 6, 2010
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    Is it possible to put older PC games onto a flashcard and have them run on a DSi, like some sort of software? Specifically I'm thinking about a game called King of Dragon Pass, I own the game. Maybe something like Dosbox? But for DS.

    Also, I was wondering what a good size Micro SD would be to get, I'm leaning towards 8g but 16g is looking better and better.
  2. penguin98

    penguin98 Regular member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    There is actually a DosBox for the DS, but it's been abandoned because they couldn't get it to run anywhere even close to full speed. Feel free to try it though, its available here

    As for other games, all the old lucasarts point and click games can be played with ScummVM DS.

    Most games have been done on a one-off basis like Lemmings DS.

    And I have an 8gig microSD and haven't filled it yet. The important thing to remember is that you want a fast one. Class 6 or higher. Slower microSD's will have problems on games that need fast access and will slow down or even crash.

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