OK, so you've accepted the challenge. Well, what kind of game am I talking about then? Simple, you post a question, and someone answers it. The rules: 1. ALL Afterdawn existing rules MUST BE ADHERED TO. 2. Your question may be about ANY subject as long as it lies within the boundaries of Afterdawn's policies. 3. You have to post a question first BEFORE you can answer a question (think about it). 4. You cannot answer your own question. 5. You cannot post an answer until your question has been answered. 6. Your answer has to be truthfully what you think is the correct answer. 7. You cannot make comments about previous questions/answers. 8. You cannot make any comment regarding any answers given. 9. No duplication of questions or answers please. 10. Questions and answers only, and no general comments are to be made. Thats it folks.................have fun........................
Am I the only one who had to read the rules a gazillion times before they sank in? (psychological that one!!)
I found this thread earlier today, and I had "o-ring" typed out and then I realized that I hadn't asked a question yet so.....LOL
A woman pushes her silver car in front of a red hotel and realizes that she has suddenly gone bankrupt. What has happened?
There are 5 apples in a basket and five people in a room. How can you give an apple to each person in the room and yet leave one apple in the basket.