Q: Nero fails, reboot fixes

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by jimburns, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. jimburns

    jimburns Member

    Jun 21, 2006
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    Read thru the forums but couldn't find anything to help with some Nero burn failures when I simply tried rebooting and the very next try was successful. I figured I'd ask to see if anyone can confirm a known issue with Nero 7.2, a memory leak, lower level drivers, what? This is a new system, just built in the last 2 months, all firmware and updates as of then have been applied. I've never had validation failures before, some posts on the forums suggested one should ignore them in Nero, however I'm manually checking with my own MD5 validation and Nero is right, each time it says a disk has failed verification I have a file that fails it's post-burn MD5 check.

    I tend to just use Nero Xpress for simple file backups. These are incremental ghost images and it's very important I get them burned correctly if I'm to be able to rely on them in the future. Xpress works good and it's a no-hassle way to burn single files to disk. However after 2 successful virutally full DVD5 disk burns today, the 3rd and 4th (both attempts at the 3rd job) just wouldn't take. Rather than continue to throw media at it (I'm using the 16x Verbatim, ID: MCC 03 - RG20) I tried a reboot.

    I've posted logs from my 1st failure (3rd burn) and my 5th burn which was successful here,


    Any thoughts? TIA,

  2. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Last edited: Jun 21, 2006
  3. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Hi jimburns
    Welcome to aD!
    Like gwen said take Nero down a version. I'm guessing your using from your post.
    Better to post the logs in your post - much easier. And your links aren't working :(
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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  5. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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  6. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    @Binkie7, Karen I couldnt get those links to work either (the ones in jimburns thread) I did get the others in sandt38, and he is using so unless he reverts back to the version recommended he'll continue to strike problems.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2006
  7. jimburns

    jimburns Member

    Jun 21, 2006
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    Thanks for the thoughts folks. Yes, the links didn't take right in here as I enclosed them in <> and the board incorrectly underlined the ending >. Clicking on the link and doing an "open in new window" is the pinnacle of convenience if you ask me, I don't like the logs posted inline with the message. (my thoughts)

    I appreciate the news that 7.2.xxx series is not as stable as it should be, that's the sort of news I was looking for. I'll try some of my tools and see if I can't pin down what's going wrong as I have the time. Honestly, despite that news I'm not sure I want to revert to an older version, I just don't have the time... I should have discovered this out before updating. Rather than reverting, maybe I'll just wait on the next updates.

    But it IS working. But I noticed yesterday as I continued to burn some backups after two I'd reboot, just to make sure I didn't waste media. In Nero Xpress I don't tend to do a "burn another project," I tend to shut it down completely, thus the problem develops from one Nero session to another, thus I needed a full reboot.

    I like the idea of trying at 8x, but I'll have to do it 3 times. What about trying with RW media, that may prevent waste but will it be a valid test as opposed to the Verbatim -R?

    I will say that my last two burns yesterday were at 2x because of RW media and all was successful. So despite it all, I burned 6 successful disks yesterday, 0 failures, with 2 reboots and the last 3 with RW media. ??

    Lastly, I might try a test of 3 burns but NOT shutting Nero down between jobs but choosing the "new project" option. I know the first time this bit me, when I started this thread 2 days ago, I DID shut Nero Xpress down between each burn and within a few moments relaunched it. Don't yet see how a memory leak would kill the burn randomly but a memory problem at program cleanup would continue to get worse each time the program was shut down. ??

    Lastly, someone in another thread looked at a log and found the mem load at 82% and commented about what else the computer was doing. I checked on my mem load, in the two logs I posted the computer was doing nothing but the burn, it's a back office/support machine, very clean machine because as a developer myself I can't stand it otherwise, explorer and Nero only as running apps, and my mem load before starting Nero and the burn was 36%, but in the logs it was reported as ~67% once and ~77% the other. So I'm not sure how helpful this mem reporting is, at the very least, one must understand it includes whatever Nero is demanding.

    Thanks again for all the thoughts. Certainly if anyone knows anything more on this I'd like to hear. It's an odd problem and I think ya'll are correct it is more related to Nero than media, drive, etc.


    Last edited: Jun 22, 2006
  8. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Take it down to 8x - see what happens - you can always increase it to 12x and see what happens. Just imho but rw discs take longer to burn (I think the max is like 4x on some) and are more expensive.
    The memory change didn't pop out - the change after the reboot was less than 10%.
    Another option to pin point if it's media, drive and nero - is to try another burning program. Do a few and see what happens. I'd be curious to know too!
  9. theVerve

    theVerve Member

    Jun 21, 2006
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    How about when you use Vision Express 3 to burn just the IMAGE of the dvd video or save the dvd to hard disk otion? I mean you are not using the dvd/cd burner at all

    It still restarts or exits to desktop. Even tried to uncheck SmartEncode to force every file to be encoded in mpeg2(dvd format)

    This is for and format Neroburning ROM and 6.6 something for vision express 3
  10. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Is this a suggestion for jimburns or a problem you're having?
  11. theVerve

    theVerve Member

    Jun 21, 2006
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    What I meant was...even if you use the Image recorder and not burn to the DVD it still restarts the computer for me

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