I ordered a solderless unit... but I dont see any special cables or anything. So I dont understand what it is they want me to do. All the guides I find on the net are solder guides. Yet everywhere I see selling the qoob pro, it says "no soldering required, special cable included"... So wtf? someone please explain.
i think it ment no soldering on the actual chip its self, i havnt heard of a solderles qoob chip to the mother board
There isn't a solderless qoob chip. They're just saying you don't need to solder onto the chip itself, and that the special cable needs to be soldered to the GC's motherboard.
yeah thats exactly what it is no soldering on the chip, i have a qoob chip pro i had to solder it to the gamecube but i didnt have to solder anything on the chip