I allready orderd Qoob pro, But now im wondering, Should i switch to viper extream. I know its not out yet and all, but should i wait another few months or weeks for it.I'm very anxouse to get my fist mod chip but id rather be safe then sorry. + Boki made it SO CONVINCEING BTW {Boki} is a member for those who are wondering.
man if the viper xtream is as sweet as it sounds i will swap it with my qoob pro, the new viper sounds friggin good, but all i want is it to play the games and it does and does it well so im happy anyway but if i didnt just get the qoob i would wait for this
Things is, the only reason there's going to be a Viper Extreme is because the Viper is lacking many of the hardware features of the qoob Pro. It's Viper's way of catching up. As for the "unseen features," unless the Viper has some hardware that isn't already built into the qoob Pro, any features they decide to have can be pursued by the qoob programmers and implemented into the qoob Pro's bios. The two actually seem rather similar, so it's more a matter of playing back-ups now or later.