First of all thank you all in advance for any help. Im sure this is posted somewhere but I didnt see it. OK I have just got a pansat 3500 sd. I am trying to hook it up with the newest bins and updates. Everything is going fine except I cannot get my quality bar to move above 0. I have hooked up satellites before and understand that they have to be almost perfect.. I have a DISH 500 pro, with all correct positions. (even moved azimuth repeatedly to see if i could get anything) A 233, ele 30, and skew 122 for zip 16502. Is there something Im missing? I purchased a cd off ebay which tells me step by step instructions on what to do and which settings to put my receiver on.(such as standard lnb 22khz off etc,etc...)(dont know if it is correct) I havent gotten this bar to move at all. Can someone please tell me what their WORKING settings are, or any other steps I may need to take? Again, THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING!!!! chazmicks
I have the same problem. My pansat 2700 clone works the whole time, till this morning. All of a sudden I have 20% level and 0% quality. The t.v. works perfectly last night but now not anymore. I have the latest bin with autoroll. Can some please help explain what is wrong?. Thank you in advance.