Quality Difference?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by snakej32, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. snakej32

    snakej32 Guest

    I'm pretty new to this but so far I've noticed that there are major and minor quality differences with various backups of movies. Some will be perfect transfers, others very good, and some poor (meaning pixelated, sometimes skippy and/or grainy) Could someone please explain to me why this is? Is it the size of the Dvd being backed up or maybe the length of the movie? Please post, thank you.
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Yep, it sure is snakej32.

    When a movie is large (or long) it's the reason we re-Author it. We get rid of the extras and un-needed dialog to make more room (less compression required) for the movie.

    To get the very best quality, we now have at our disposal, dual layered DVD's and burners. The backup is exactly the same as the original. We can do the same thing with a regular burner by splitting the movie between 2 discs. DVD-5 movies are small enough to be the same on a single disc. The less compression, the better the quality. Many DVD's can be compressed after re-Authoring so well you can't tell the difference between that and the original.

    Keep reading, that was a good question - as you learn more it all becomes clearer - if you have a question, stop back. We enjoy answering questions from those interested enough to research things on their own -

    BTW, Welcome to our little Club, we're glad to have you aboard :D)



  3. snakej32

    snakej32 Guest

    Thank you for your help. A few more questions though, are there any other factors that alter the quality? Say the DVDRs themselves? Is it best when not using dual layered dvds to backup movies without extra features/menus? Do dual layered DVDrs only work with newer dual layered burners? Where can I get either?
  4. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Removing things like the extras and menus allows more room for for the main movie, so less compression is needed, therefore the quality is better.

    You need a double layer burner to burn double layer discs. A double layer burner can also burn single layer discs.

    You can buy burners and DVD media on line at many places. Here in the states I have bought from:


    There are many more, use your search engine to find em.
    "DVD media" or "Double layer DVD" works well to start a search with.
    Double layer media is very expensive.

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