I have been ripping my own DVD collection to ratDVDs with ok results, and was happy and content until I watched a ratDVD I stole via peer2peer file sharing. IT LOOKED FANTASTIC!!!! like a regualr DVD. Smooth and high quality, with the same bitrate settings I use (Ive been using 110 for most stuff). what do I need to do to make my ratDVDs look like my internet friends? his look smooth and nice, mine look blockish. I saw the item in FAQ about changing my playing settings, I did that, and I even re-ripped to see if it had to be selected during the ratting process. anyway, anyone who is an expert, please contact me. I will have a huge amount of movies to share when I am %100 comfortable with the format. (I also just got a 1.6TB settup for sharing, I am serious about this) BRUCE bruce.howze(AT)redplanetsound.com feel free to email me about anything related to movies or ratDVD or even MP3s (whith whom I am still very much in love, even if radDVDs have been trying to steal my hart away).
i would take my email off. this is a public site, theres no telling what kind of emails u will get. most of my rats are about 1.5 gb and they look pretty good. u can try here to see if u need anything else...http://ratattack.cdfreaks.com/
I have and use ratAttack. I have been doin batch runs of most of my stuff with it, and I check everything with ratCheck after I tag it. Im not sure what is causing my problem, but other people's ratDVDs look much better than mine. one suggestion I heard is that maybe I need a graphics card, and that it might make the encoding look better. I am no wizzard, thats why I am here asking everyone else. bruce
I hate to break it to you, but Who Framed Rodger Rabbit is a live action movie, with some animated segments and charaters.
i just did roger rabbit. looked pretty good. i had to unrat then convert to ntsc(took alomg time), but it plays great. got it from isohunt.