I was just at Meritline to purchase some new DVD-R's and noticed that one of the TY that were highly recomended here stated "Made in Japan". Does that make a difference? I am buying 4x as I want quality burns.(as recomended here at afterdawn!) Thanks for any input! Seahawker
Made in Japan is exactly what you want. The quality is excellent, and as far as I'm concerned, TY is the [bold]best[/bold]. What's usually suggested here is to never burn faster that 1/2 the rated speed of your media. If I were you, I'd spend just a little more and get the 8x media. Good Luck!
Yes, made in Japan is the key. Most around here recommend Taiyo Yuden (MIJ) as well as MIJ Sony and Fuji. The only Taiwanese disks recommended are Verbatim.
and about the burning speeds of those TYs.... when I pop my 8x +R TYs into my burning I can burn up to 16x on them! It's called overburning but that's because my burner recognizes them and can burn up to that point! I usually burn those at 8x with great results! notice the quality is 99.80%! not bad!
I'm not a perfectionist..... wellllllllll ...... sometimes..... but I'll take what I can get! LOL ONe more thing: notice I have the dreaded Philips 8631 burner......seems most people traded this drive back to Dell for an NEC drive cause they had problems with it. I am one of the lucky ones that bought my DELL after this issue was resolved and after 1200 burns I still get perfect quality scores on my disks! How lucky can I be!? hahahahaha
not really..... I found out that after my production date all the philips 8631s were updated and working fine! My brother loved my computer so much that he bought the same one with the same drive.... except he got the 3.6Ghz and mine is 3.73Ghz.....I hold that against him all the time when he suggests that his computer is the same as mine! LOL