Hi all; I have this older pc that I'm trying to utilize for my kids. It is a P3-550 with 1 gig o ram and a smoking sexy 40 gig drive (contain laughter please) I have this problem where the system will take linux (Fedora Core 6), no problem, X is pretty slow so I don't love it like that. Any windows OS will not install, I've tried different drives etc no soap. It boots from CD, telling me to Hit any Key to boot, then I get the black Setup is detecting your hardware etc, blank screen and nothing, it just sits there. Initally I thought perhaps Linux was messing up the boot sector and causing windows grief, but with different drives same problem no windows install (i've tried 2000 and xp.) Anyone with any suggestions on what might be causing this problem I would greatly appreciate it, as would my kidz. Cheers, Kali
Ah no Both Windows XP and Windows 2000 are originals, but I get where your are going with that, I would as well and no not the case. Any other suggestions? Cheers, Kali