question about AGP 2x and AGP 4x

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by domtash, May 2, 2003.

  1. domtash

    domtash Guest

    I have a computer with an AGP 2x graphics card slot and it has a SIS 8Mb graphics card. I wanted to buy a 3D graphics card, and was wondering if an AGP 4x graphics card would work on my motherboard, or do I have to stick to an AGP 2x. Also is there a big difference between the two. Thanks
  2. Azatoth

    Azatoth Guest

    Depends on your motherboard/AGP slot. If you have the book that came with the motherboard check to see if the AGP slot is rated for 2x or 4x, newer motheboards handle 8x.

    The difference is the amount of data processed for each processor clock cycle, the higher the number the more data per cycle, which basically means better graphics. Would you notice the difference? You might, in terms of smoother graphic performance, but its difficult to tell without something to compare against, i.e., two comparable systems, one with 4x and one with 2x.

    Would a 4x work in your system? Probably so, the components on the card are smart enough to determine the AGP slot speed and readjust to that speed, you would just loose the obvious performance of the 4x.

    Recommendation? Save you $$$ and buy a 2x, unless 4x is all you can find.

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