I have a few widescreen avi files that I have encoded and burnt to dvd using nero vision express. The playback on my dvd player works great with fullscreen files but when I play the widescreen files it looks like I have a double widescreen if that makes scince. My question is, is there software that will let me resize the picture without reducing the quality?
truth29, Welcome to the forum. You lost me on Double widescreen. Are you saying the picture is 2X the size it should be. Does it look like that you have zoomed in too far
I think he means that it is stretched vertically twice the size making it look over stretched. About your question, try DVD Lab.
I'm sorry I know I didn't word my problem very well. What I mean is that it looks like there is more of the black space on top and on bottom than I am used too. I get great quality but the screen legnth looks smaller like it has been cropped on top and bottom. The reason why it bothers me is because There is a strip of dark black on top, then a strip of lighter black, the part that shows the movie, lighter black and dark black again. I hope that makes sense to someone. I feel like I could be explaining it better some how.
truth29, Try the free conversion program below to see if it does the same thing. I really think it is a problem in the conversion. If it does then try DVD-Lab as that program should do it correctly. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_encoders/vso_divxtodvd_free.cfm Which version of Nero are you using?