Really dumb question... After you convert wmv/avi/etc files to DVD format with DVDflick or ConvertXtoDVD, should the resulting DVD folder structure and files of \AUDIO_TS and \VIDEO_TS be the same thing on a DVD after you burn it (with IMGBURN) as compared to what is on your hard drive?? I always assumed that things would be the roughly the same, perhaps slightly different in overall space used due to cluster size differences on DVD vs. the hard drive, but I recently happened to check a DVD after burning and was surprised to see a very big difference between what the folders look like on the hard drive and the DVD. Checking one DVD a few days ago, the size of the files/folders on my hard drive were less than 2 gb (so I was thinking maybe I should have put more on there when converting!) but on the DVD it took up over 4 gb!??! Also the filenames themselves, for example stuff like the VOB files, did not agree - one had more files than the other. How is this possible? Does this make sense? THANKS for any answers, I'm curious, want to understand what is going on...
So after you've converted your movie with DVD Flick/convertx the resulting folder is 2 gigs, but when you burn onto the disc it is 4 gigs? When you import your folder into Imgburn you can click on the calculate icon and it should tell you the size of the file you are working with and the media required to burn it. Could you provide a screenshot of Imgburn in build mode with your VIDEO_TS imported and the information tab visible showing the calculated data?
yes! is that possible? right - thanks - i did not pay attention to that info when i burned this one but noticed the difference later i wish - unfortunately i deleted the folders already :-( when i made my unexpected discovery i thought right then that i need to come up here & ask about it! and at that time i still had the folders intact & even did a doubletake/doublecheck on what i saw but i did not have time to come up here right away, and by the time i did make my post, i had already cleared out my hard drive of all my old dvd folders (dammit!) so i'm sorry but i don't have that exact folder/info anymore - and i checked some others that i made/burned since then and they make sense in having the same rough size and exact same # of files so maybe i was hallucinating/looking at the wrong thing?? i'll keep a close look on new ones i make & see if i notice this again, but was wondering if in general can this occur like this??? thanks for your time
Yes, it's possible. An avi is a compressed container and when you use Convertx or DVD Flick you are uncompressing the if you are starting with a file that is 2 gigs then you will end up with a file that is well larger than that once it's uncomrpessed.
right! but that's not what i'm asking about - most of the files that i convert are around 750mb & end up like 2-4gb worth of \VIDEO_TS files and i understand that what i noticed with this particular DVD (and if i remember right i think this actually came from an RMVB file rather than an AVI or WMV - this was a rare RMVB that convertx actually was able to convert but that is another issue) is that the \VIDEO_TS files on my hard drive only added up to about 2 gig but i noticed when burned to DVD by IMGBURN it took up 4gb on the DVD, and the # of VOB files was different!! i always assumed that whatever you create as a DVD folder structure from the conversion on your hard drive would roughly correspond in size with what ended up on DVD, and that the files would all be same (??) - is that a correct assumption?? thanks very much!