I notice that there are program to remove the 8 second introductory screen from DVD X COPY. Do any of these programs also remove the information which tells you who made the copied DVD. Also, what is this additional information that they put in the DVD. Is it the SERIAL Number of your product or something else?
pa104inf, Use DVDShrink to remove XCopy page - I have no earthly idea what you are talking about, unless you mean do we have all your information when you ask questions about copying DVD's - ;-)) "P"
Hi Pete, I am still trying to get DVD XCOPY PLATINUM to work on my machine so I have not had the opportunity to run the program yet but from what I understand there is additional information put on the DVD in addition to the introductory screen. I may be wrong and if I am I stand corrected but this is what I was led to believe.
We have all your info and have sent it off to the cyber-police, they are on their way to your house, they are in your drive, they are at your door - - Do you believe in "Pixies ?"
Hahaha, You SCARING the Newbies again, poor thing will get all paranoid!!! Congrats on the promotion, BTW. Byeeee...
Hey Doc, You're just sorry you didn't answer first :0 I couldn't resist - Next his "Buddy" will sell him some swamp land in Florida ) L:OL pa104inf, You REALLY have to lose that Guy - )
Pete, do you mean that email I got offering Florida real-estate might be dodgy? What about the special offer of an acre on Mars? it is half price if bought at the same time as the Florida deal!!! Do you think I should invest or not??? I would hate to lose ALL my pocket-money on a dodgy deal... BTW, I don't do XCOPY questions, as I don't know enough about it and I won't touch the d*mn thing after seeing the results... Byeee....
Doc, Say Hey my friend, you know I'll look after you, I'll get the Florida stuff for you plus double the Mars stuff (Check the news, that's my piece they are photographing now) and I can have 2 Acres on the Moon for you too - send Cash, Check or Money order to ScubaPete c/o Pete's Bank we Trust, PO Box $$$$, Can't trace me, Colorado - You think XCopy's bad, wait until this Spring when they introduce "DVD Vault" - a compression program that'll put 5 movies on a single DVD - Go Figure, Huh ? Pete
pa104inf: Have a look at http://psidoc0.tripod.com programe called 321 Gone it does everything you asked for. Cheers ispy
I'm just wondering why so many people persist on using DVD X Copy. Now i understand if your new to it, but still there are other ways that are just as easy and will give you better quality.
leviticus, Welcome there Good Guy It seems that you are learning already - You also can learn to let Decrypter alone - Your Shrink will do it all. http://www.softpedia.com/public/scripts/downloadhero/3-7-52/ Next backup, just use Shrink - click "Open Disk" and you are going ) Pete The new shrink is out - 3.1.4 nbeta0 version -
Hi Everybody, If I had to do over again I don't think I would have bought DVD X COPY, I would have used DVDSHRINK and probably would have bought NERO. The extra money I saved would have bought me extra memory. Unfortunately, I didn't discover this FORUM and the available free programs until after I already bought DVD X COPY PLATINUM. What good is a program that has a large list of proscribed programs including NORTON ANTIVIRUS? Also, easy installation and use is bull. My friend has finely gotten the program to work two out of three times. Isn't that great a program that costs all that money and works most of the time. I understand that DVD XCOPY also have the capability to allow you to burn the DVD using NERO. Let's buy two programs instead of one to make for the problems with DVD X COPY. Well, you live and learn.
pa104inf, Well there my little friend, it seems you have come a long way since the beginning of this thread I kind of feel the same way - I truly get upset when someone tells me that I don't have to pay for something - I WANT to pay, Please let me buy 3 programs that don't work as well as 2 programs for free that do - BTW, ispy - Thanks for that link for 321 Gone, I didn't know that was out there - been using DVDShrink to erase that sucker Well, I guess my job here is done, time to climb aboard Ole' Paint (makin' sure I've got a pocket full "O" quarters) and mosey on out of town - "Click, click Ole' Boy," Sez me, (Climb'en on up in the saddle and wheelin' my horsey around) (Tossing in 3 quarters to get started) (clip, clop, clippty, clop) Goin' ta mosey down Mexico way, hook up with my old compadrays, "Fast" Frankie, "Knowledgeable" Jerry, and "Doc Speed", fastest typest in the old West, (clip, clop, clippty, clop) Yep, We got places to go and people to see and help bail out of trouble, (Clip, clop, clippity, clop) We leave behind people like pa10inf and Leviticus, up-comin', and free thinkin' newbies able to take their next step on their own - (clip, clop, clippty, clop) "Giddie Up Ole' Paint" (tossin' in a few more quarters) (clippity, clippity, - clippity, - clippity, - - clippity, - - -clip, - - - Clop - - and like that - -
Hi everybody again, I think I will send an e-mail to 321studios, a lot of good it will do though, that they shouldn't sell there software through distributors who won't honor there 30-day money back guarantee. I notice what 321studios does is charge more on there site for DVD X COPY then other places so you naturally look for the cheapest price which is of course a distributor who either has a cheaper price or offers extras like I got for buying DVD X COPY. When it doesn't work and you can't return it 321studios can list another sale and you are out of luck.