I know someones asked this before but oh well. Is there an emulator for the psp or the ds for the xbox yet? ive heard theres not a psp for computer except for sonys psp emu for sony officals. this has not yet been leaked.
There will never be either. You need approx 10x the power to emulate another system. That's why there isn't a working ps2 or xbox emulator for the pc yet either.
-- Not true about ps2 part.An emulator for ps2 called pcsx2 [i think]is out. as of a weak ago it was impossible to fully emulate ps2 games.Some nerd dude fixed a few bugs to fix this.i cant remember wat the site was called that had this info and the download but im sure if u research a little on pcsx2 ull find the site.Im not sure if ur comp. has to be above average to run ps2 games but like i said some dude fixed a bug and theres pics and videos of him playin ffx2 on his computer.Ill post link if i can find it. it will be a cupla days before i post though as i am on vacation 4 2 more days.hope u can find the file, let me know how it works if u download it.
Have they got it working now.. As of about a month ago pcsx2 just crashed at the loading screen. System requirements are immense to run ps2 games. I read somewhere that you will need a minimum of 2GB ram and a p4 3gig+ to even get a reliable load. Anyway FFX2 came out on the pc as well in japan.. Don't believe all you see. Maybe it's a fraud or maybe the game is a simple pc port onto the ps2 which makes it easier to emulate. pcsx2 will never run on an xbox..not enough power (it struggles with pcsxbox unless you upgrade the ram.) Looking forward to the links I like all things emulation wise..Real clever stuff.
Do u think theyll ever make a ps2 emu on the xbox 360?I hope they do cuz if they do i want a 360.Also u said somethin about upgrading ram on xbox? how do u do that ,Is it possible without soldering?Also ive got a pc with 3.6 ghz P4 With ht tecnology prosser and a 512 mb video memory and 768 mb of ram, do u think this could substitute for 2gb of ram?or do u just need 2 gigs of ram for a powerful game, could u still succesfully emulate a less powerfull ps2 game?{i cant beleive they got the ps2 emu working , i love emulators!]Also i got a question about final fantasy 7 on the xbox{pcsxbox]I made a backup on a dvd of my three cd orignal ff7 game,it wouldnt read write off dvd, how do u do this? i Had to import using dvd2xbox and i can succesfully emulate but i get these green, red,and black glitch things when playing,i switched gui filters but they dont get much better.Do u know how to fix this?
Also, On a different thread called xbox emulator u said u need a pc 10 times more powereful than the actual system,our most comps 10x powerful than ps2 cause like We were sayin , They succesfully made a working ps2 emu for comp.Also how good is the ps2 Proccesser[in terms of mhz or gighz and graphics megabytes]Ive been looking 4 this info for a while but no luck , ur a smart guy ,do u know?
ok heres the working pcsx2 emu link , also check out the ffx2 video http://www.pcsx2.net/ for the old version of this emu that doesnt work u can get it at http://games.softpedia.com/get/Emu/PCSX.shtml
the ps2 emulator for the PC is crap i have an AMD 3200+(about 3.3 GHz) 2.5 GB of Ram and an X900 Graphics Card and it still played crappy....other than the power of the system they still have to write the code and port it to the PC and they cant do that perfect...the only game that runs ok is fatal frame but who wants to play that crap...
Thanks..It works (just) Me? I tried it on a twin xeon 3.2 with 4 gigs of ram and a radeon 7800 running the new vista beta. It still barely loads shadow of the colossus..I had to set the frame skip well up and kill all fmv to get it to run at about 80% speed. It's choking at the emulated gpu/cpu interface. The code seems untidy and doing too much system emulation at the expense of the game. There are a lot of far calls into machine emu subroutines that need tidying up. I should be able to run a ps2 in ram alone on that machine but it was still ragging the drive with loading calls. I don't think the person who wrote the code has more than 1 gig of ram available. Looks hopeful but maybe on the next gen multiple cpu machines if the code is optimised for them..buy a ps2..a pc to emulate one is going to cost $4000 at least. As for the 360?.. I can't see it happening in the life of the console.
thats ok cuz i already own a ps2, i just like emulation.Also do u think u could answer the q"s i asked about 3 psx games on a dvd?its ok if u dont know.I still think its cool that they got the ps2 emu working though, makes u wonder if it will be possible with an xbox emulator sometime soon.