I wanted to know what the difference between Sofmod Installer Deluxe 2, Sofmod Installer Deluxe 3.1 Final, and Softmod Installer Deluxe 4.5 Nknave Edition is. Does one have more emulators the the other, more roms perhaps ? I know it's and update version therfore it must be better but I wanted to know exactly in witch ways is it better.Thanks
well 2 and 3.1 do not have the Open Retail Ndure which means you cant go onlive with them, not one of them have emulators or roms on them, you put them on your xbox after your softmod....4.5 is the best and most stable out right now so if your going to softmod use that one....
Thats not true, I installed V2 and it came preinstalled on my friends xbox, the games and the emulators.
i have never heard of anything like that,are you sure that it just didnt say emulators and games,because it always say's but nothing are in them.....
thats impossible, all SID does is softmod your xbox, the SID files are not more then 8mb. Some roms and emulators take up to 400-500 mbs so i dont see how you can just softmod your xbox and have emulators and roms
@uji you might be right but i have installed softmods since they first came out on over 50 xbox's and never not once did the installer come with emulators and roms on there,i always had to put them on there later....... @tooxfly your right the installer is 8 mb and takes up the entire memory card so i really think that uji might be confused.......
I dont know, maybe that xbox had them on there before cause It had been softmodded then my little bro deleted some files but I know for a fact that I never put roms or emulaotrs on it, there were like 200+ games so yeah.