Hi, I'm obviously new to this and just had a quick question or two. First I've been reading and I was wondering if to use flashcards you need to have your DSi updated to the newest version. Mines currently at v1.3 Also after a lot of research I've settled on one of two cards, either the M3i Zero or the Super Card DSonei. I've spent hours reading and watching videos on all of them but I still can't decide which one I think I should get. Any advice is appreciated or if I'm completely off base and there's a much better one I'll gladly consider it. Finally I was wondering what a good website for ordering would be for someone from the west coast. I don't mind paying more if it means the card getting here in a few days opposed to a few weeks. Again thanks for anything you can offer.
Both cards are great - don't spend too much time thinking about it as both choices are fine, I personally use the M3 as the user interface is so good, howerev either way you will not be dissapointed. Buying the card, you will be better using a supplier in your own country for fast delivery, not guarenteed but usually they will be quicker, in ther UK www.digitalera.co.uk is fast and not that expensive
my sons dsi is a 1.3,,,i didnt update it,we tried using his dsone supercard from his ds lite but it was not compatible..we purchased an acekard2i from www.ndscardshop.co.uk,,,there is a new users foolproof guide at www:articlebase.com/computer...4-1143017.html.we are now enjoying his new dsi.
The supercard for the DSLite would never work, it has to be a DSi card (the Supercard DSonei - is fine)