I have a question about the "VGA Mode", with which I mean one of the modes you see on the screen together with 'Safe Mode'. What does it exactly do? Does it only set the system's graphics in a different mode? So the very low resolution and colors and such. Or does it also set the system to additional "safe-mode-settings"? Because, when I get to that menu (after pressing F8), it gives you all those options like 'Safe Mode', 'Safe Mode With Network', and then also 'Boot In VGA Mode' without any further description. So I guess that's all it does right?
Hi Dinc, Your right it pretty much does what you figured. I looked up at Microsoft for a description though just to be sure and I'll post it here for you http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315222/en-us So yeah it's just lower resolution basically. Hope that answered your question.