I have electronic devices from 1990 and I know that these devices that have not been used for a long time cause faults and depolarization in the electrolytic capacitors, is it necessary to use these devices in the interval of 1x a month to preserve the electrolytic capacitors from failing due to disuse? are used electrolytic capacitors manufactured since 1990 and assembled in electronic circuit
What is your recommendation for my case where the electrolytic capacitors used are mounted on an electronic device from 1990? I know that the chemical reaction occurs but what is the maximum interval without use allowed to avoid damage to the electrolytic capacitors?
Okay, I give up! What exactly is the electronic device you're referring to? I suspect it's a gaming console because who would be trying to get a dot matrix printer running? So what is the exact device? Don't worry about its age, it was probably new when most of us finished college.
PS Audio has a video covering capacitors. All i can remember is it's best to leave a device in standby mode & not turn off at the wall to prolong life. I'm damned if i'm connecting all my consoles & leaving em like that let alone all the computers that are sitting around the place. Can only imagine how much power they'd leach. Personally your getting worked up over nothing. Capacitors aren't hard to replace. That said you should check for leakages every so often as that can destroy boards