question for rustydog

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by DT420, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. DT420

    DT420 Guest

    hey thanks for the tutorial on ftp. my question is where do i save my dash, xbcopy media player, etc.?on c,d,e,x,y,z and should it load when mod chip is active with no disk. thanks for the help
  2. GetModded

    GetModded Guest

    You dash files should be installed int he C:\ drive. All your Apps should be in seperate folders in either you e:\apps\ (for original harddrives) and f:\apps\ (for an upgraded hard drive).
    So for XBMP it would be f:\apps\xbmp\default.xbe and all the rest of it's files and folders.


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