I just got a new cd player in my car that can play wma cds. When burning the cd do i create folder of the artist then folder of their albums? Or just dump 100+ songs on the cd.
My car stereo reads mp3 and i got it for 3 years and still going.But you better organize the music in folders.Not many in a forder.Something like 10 to 15 is alright.It is much better for you8 if it is organized because if you dont you will get upset with yourself when you cant find a song.Your car stereo is ablle to skip the folders and files separately but if you stick all of the musics together image if you got 100 songs on a cd ang then you wabt song number 50.You will skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,untill you get upset.Believe me.