
Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by PunkPYRO, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. PunkPYRO

    PunkPYRO Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Ok, I want to back up some xbox games. I have read several threads on it yet they all say different hardware/software is required. What will I DEFINITLY need? What is the best non solder mod chip for under $50? And what software will I need to use? Also one of the consistent things I found was that I would need to copy the game to the xbox HDD before copying it to my computer and then finally a DVD but can I do this with the HDD that comes with the xbox? And can I delete it when I am done copying it? Thanks,

  2. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    you dont need a mod chip
  3. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    all you need to do is softmod ur xbox, just buy action replay and james bond agent under fire (non-platinum edition) just check my blog by cliking on my name to find a tut on how to softmod ur xbox and it only costs about $30 - $40 depeding on how much the action replay is
  4. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    oh yeah i almost forgot when u softmod ur xbox it installs this thing called UnleashX its the mod program and with it comes what u need to burn games to ur hard drive
  5. PunkPYRO

    PunkPYRO Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    So ALL I need is one of those games (non platinum)? But does soft modding allow my xbox to read copied games?
  6. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    well with ur xbox softmodded u can copy games onto ur hard drive of ur xbox
  7. PunkPYRO

    PunkPYRO Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Thats what I thought. But I have the standard size (as in real small) HDD still in my xbox and I cant afford to replace it right now so is hard-modding it the only way to completely copy the game?
  8. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    well i have the regular sized hdd and i can fit most games and if u downloaded the new maps for halo 2 delete them because they take up a lot of room
  9. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    LMAO : what diffrense does it make if you chipp it or softmod ? the hd size is still going to be the same...

    both softmods and chips end with the same result . .... playing unsiged codes.. meaning like backed up games linux etc etc...

    and now even xbox live is possible with softmods....

    in the past if you had a softmod it was complex to play xbox live..
    not anymore .... i ll explain how to softmod it later
    and your retail hd is about 8 gb normaly ... which you can only use 4 gbs... some users have 10 gb which they only gain 2 extra gbs.. so total maybe only 4-6 gbs total...

    upgrading a hd is very very very extrealy easy ( i'v done over 75 hd upgrades) and i have a 200gb maxtor hd on my xbox and i'v been playing xbox live with this hd . yep this 200gb and i never got ban ...... because of this new softmod ....
    then i ported my service to 360 so i dont use xbox 1 for live anymore... but it takes ms less then 6 hrs to find out and get you ban....

    so this softmod has work for millions and millions of xbox users and now alot of those members have stick only to a website called this is were we all are ..... this is not antoher xbox-scene where you get flame and talk piracy and crap....

    now about this softmod yes you need 1 of the 3 exploitable games.. $5-15 dollars and they are mech assult orignal spliter cell or 007 agent under fire...

    non platimum and this action replay kit $30 usualy....

    so this is a best method and inexpensive and very fast ( 5-10 mins) fully softmoded..

    and the unleash x is a dashboard sortah like ms dashboard ... dvd2xbox is a xbox program you use to burn your xbox games to hd...

    now this softmod i am telling you about is called sid 4 softmod installer deluxe 4 ... or it can be sid 4.5 eiter one...

    now assuming you get sid 4 you would install softmod like dual boot=retail

    + its safe scripted so you wont break the mod ( you can uninstall safely) and its scripted for many other features which makes this softmod unique and the best no matter what.

    now on power on normal it will load everything that is modded .... and the circle led will be red ( unique feature) which means that the softmod is active and it is NOT safe for live...

    now you power on open tray mode : and the circle led will be green and everything on the xbox is to normal the way the ms dash and before you moded... circle led is green and this means its safe for xbox live...

    so there you have it you can insitnly change from modded xbox to retail xbox back and forth...

    srry for the long post.... hope my time was very useful for you ... anod keep in mind that no softmod is or will ever come close to this ....

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