
Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by imgr81337, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. imgr81337

    imgr81337 Guest

    I know that if you boot to your xbox through the modded dash and you connect to xbox live you get banned but I've done that several times without thinking and i can't connect and it will say it can't connect. Then i go into the network settings and change the enable from yes to no then back to yes and hit save. then reboot put it in a game then turn on the xbox and sign into live and it works fine. Was I really banned from xbox live? Don't ask why i though of switching the enable thing because I don't know.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2006
  2. cearel

    cearel Guest

    huh i knew you could bypass live by boot strait from the game but this is a nice find what dash did you use??
  3. imgr81337

    imgr81337 Guest

  4. cearel

    cearel Guest

    oh ok ill try it for avalaunch
  5. imgr81337

    imgr81337 Guest

    Tell me if it works.
  6. backupguy

    backupguy Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    i dont really get what you guys said can you explain in detail what you did, cos i really want to play on live without getting banned and if u tell me how to do this i think i can work it out.
  7. imgr81337

    imgr81337 Guest

    Ok. I bootedd up my xbox into the modded dash and without thinking I tried to sign into xbox live. It gave me the error screen and if I tried to put another game in it would give me the same sign. So I rebooted. I went into Unleashedx and went to network settings and changed enable from yes to no then back to yes and hit save. I then put a game in and turned the xbox off. I turned the xbox on and signed into live and it works fine. That's just what I did when I tried to sign into xbox live with the softmod on. You can just put a game in the xbox turn off the xbox and turn the xbox back on again without going to the modded dash and you can sign into xbox live. At least that's what I do.
  8. imgr81337

    imgr81337 Guest

    But my question still hasn't been answered. Was I banned? And did I just find a way to get unbanned or somthing?
  9. chiefvii

    chiefvii Guest

    ok. i have a modded xbox with unleash x. Is there any way you can surf the internet using a url or something. And when I try to download skins form it wont show any skins, but allxboxskins.xom shows many, but they dont always work.
  10. Mik3h

    Mik3h Regular member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    No you weren't banned, you just couldn't connect, if you are using a softmod, it's probably patched not to let you access XBL. Or in the settings of the dash.

  11. imgr81337

    imgr81337 Guest

    Ok. I kinda though it was too easy.
  12. imgr81337

    imgr81337 Guest

    Chiefvii. You can surf the internet there's a program called linksboks I'm not really sure how you use it but I know you can.

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