questions about dvd fabdecrytper and any dvd ,clone dvd

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dougga22, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. dougga22

    dougga22 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I have been using dvd decrypter and shrink with pretty good success but reading these forums lead me to believe that i need something more to keep up with the new protections.

    I now have dvd shrink,dvd decrytper,dvd43 and use nero 6.

    My questions are:
    1. Should I download dvd fabdecrypter?
    2. does fabdecrypter conflict with dvd 43 or nero?
    3. How about anydvd and clone2dvd conflicting with all the above? Is it worth spending the 60 dollars or so or should i wait?

    thanks for the help
  2. Rob1026

    Rob1026 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    dude if you woulda searched you would have found everything on this site you need! im a newb and i search search search i never ask a question just reply to peoples threads that helped me help out others but i do know anydvd and clonedvd hate dvd43
  3. thugs121

    thugs121 Regular member

    Aug 3, 2004
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    It would be nice to include it since DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter have not been updated for a while, nor will it be updated ever... You can back-up pretty much any dvd with DVD FabDecrypter + Vobblanker + DVD Shrink, then using either DVD Decrypter/ImgBurn or Nero to burn your back-up... DVDFab Decrypter gets updated often to keep up with newer protections/deliberate errors on movies. You can download it from here:

    DVD43 will interfere with dvdfab decrypter, but not nero...

    Having both DVD43 and AnyDVD on the same PC will cause problems. Just use one or the other. But if you have DVD Fab Decrypter, there is really no need for either of them (AnyDVD/DVD43). AnyDVD is similar to DVD43, but it doesn't have the "bells and whistles" (more features), nor is it updated as often AnyDVD does.

    Slysoft (author of AnyDVD and further enhances CloneDVD2) recommends using AnyDVD + CloneDVD2 for back-ups...

    There is a discount for afterdwn users for purchasing Slysoft's products. Check here:

    Basically, you have the opportunity until May 7, 2006 to save $5 on one product, $10 on two products, etc. on Slysoft's products...

    Slysoft offers a free trial (21 days) on their products so that you can fully test it out before purchases, as they do not offer refunds.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2006
  4. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    1. Yes
    2. No but it shouldn't be run while using DVD FabDecrytper.
    3. AnyDVD and DVD43 DO conflict and should not be run on the same machine. To me, it's been worth every penny. They allow hassle free backups to be made without a bunch of extra steps. They are also updated frequently to allow backups of the newest encryptions.


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