I have recently decided to soft mod my xbox. Only thing is i'm having a problem in figuring out which installer/dashboard or whatever it is i should use. I am not able to find any information on the different types.
Ok basically you have 3 choices that all install from an action replay memory card.. Splinter Cell Ndure.. Krayzies excellent exploit, stable and reliable 007 Agent under fire..Don't know much about this one but it does seem to work OK Mechassault.. I see people having lots of problems with this exploit, Whether that's because they are stupid or there is something wrong with the exploit itself I don't know.. But most of the "Error16" kids seem to have used this one.. For all these you need the Original game..The classics version will not do in most cases.. Splinter Cell; is very cheap to buy 2nd hand..the one with the black edge.. In the UK I can get one for about £5, And there are plenty of places to download the exploit..There are 2 different types, PAL and NTSC, you need the right one.. You put the saves on a memory card and transfer them to the xbox drive..then load the game and chose to load the save you just installed..dead easy,It does everything automatically for you.. I can even do this in another language..(my PAL s-c exploit is in french..) I have both s-c exploits..if you want to go ahead with this one give me a shout, pm me or something and I will upload it somewhere for you. Or you can have a look for them here.. http://www.eurasia.nu/
i would suggest readin Azzidrains's tutorial as it is simple and you can not go wrong with it http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/311710
hey guys thanks for the help. I actual found a tutorial on here the one with images and links that showed me how to install the mod and hurray i got it working. i am currently using the SID.4.0.knave soft mod am i able to upgrade this to the AID 3.0 verison that has all the extras such as emulators and such?
If it works don't risk upgrading..do some exploring and find the emulators and such and just install them yourself.. A good starting point is http://xport.xbox-scene.com/
I agree with janrocks, dont upgrade the whole thing but if you load up the aid 3 disk you'll see you can install what ever you need to i.e apps , dashboards and emulators . this is the way I do it.
okay cool thanks. i tried it out without upgrading all i did was just install some emulators and apps and such everything seems to be fine now, i really appreaciates everyone's help. Once again thank you all.