Man, I'm bummed. My little bro got on my pc, felt he had to install Quicktime for some stupid reason, now whenever I play an avi (which used to play fine through Divx 5.0 or Media Player) it shows the first frame then the video stops. The sound continues on, but the video will not get past that first screen. In addition, if I try to play another movie thru Divx 5.0, it will just flash the last movie's and this movie's first frame over and over while still playing the sound! Confused yet? I am! I've uninstalled every codec I can (Including that damn Quicktime!), ran Norton System Works to clean up any stuff left over in registry, and made sure all program folders were gone. Then under the sticky that talks about codec problems, I reinstalled Indeo, Divx, media player codes 9 and 8, then power dvd. REtried, still giving me the same issue. Can't find anything anywhere on this...
For a complete listing of almost every codec required to watch a movie and the order to install them in... pay a visit to
Thanks, but I did mention that I did that in my first post. I got it figured out. I started uninstalling all the codecs that I'd installed, leaving just powerdvd and media player on my system. Works fine through both of those two now.