hi,just wondering in most peoples experience which is the most commonly used on dvd players i found a movie i burnt on -r would play in my playstation but wouldnt in my xbox and a film on + r would play in my xbox but not my ps2 what are most commonly used dvd players do they do both ?
It's very dependant on the individual player as to what it likes. Neither format is really "universal".
OK well -r media is compatable with 90 percent of the drives out there .... dvd+r last time I read up was compatable with 85percent of drives out there APPARENTLY dvd +r is superior to dvd -r whether it is or not I cannot see but if I was you I would get a +/- r drive so you can choose .......-r's are FAR FAR cheaper and if I had the choice over would choose those on the compatabilite issue I can use both on all My drives its swings n round abouts to be honest you will never know until ya try DaOsT