I'm new to DS's, not bought one yet, and I've been reading up, it seems there is very little difference between R4 and the M3 DS. Is either one of these better than the other? Are they both easy to update (if it needs doing)? and are their developers still creating updates? In short, any advice on which I should buy? Thanks Brad.
Brad, I have an R4 we just got last week. It seems to work fine. I gather from other threads that there isn't much difference in the products- made in the same factory with different names kind of thing. I think the larger question is what do you want to do? Are you looking to play old GBA ROMS on a DS? If so, you may want to look at the thread by BeccaJay that talks about the EZ Flash and the Supercard SD. What do you want to do with the stuff?
There is a piece of homebrew which will allow the EZ Flash 3 in 1 device to work with M3/R4. So you can also play GBA on the ds with M3/R4. The M3/R4 are like the easiest carts to use. They support clean dumps and trims. You won't go wrong with either. The only difference I think is that R4 gets updates like 1-2 days earlier. Best thing about them though is that they are not limited memory wise.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm not really that interested in playing GBA Roms, I might be at some point, but there's plenty of DS games I want to play. Good to know that there is some Homebrew that will allow it, I can look into that another time. For now I just wanted to make sure I didn't buy the wrong one, for example if I bought the M3, then a few weeks laters the developers for that decided not to bother anymore because the R4 is better, or something like that. Thanks for your replies, looks like there really isnt much between them, I don't mind if I get the updates the day they are released or a few weeks or months later. So I guess the only thing for me to look for is price, I'll see what bundles I can get and see what price I can find on some websites. Thanks again guys.
You might want to check out dealextreme.com They have m3's and r4's for really low prices. The only thing is that the shipping takes 2 weeks, since it is shipped from hong kong.
the r4 and m3 are pretty much the same. the only difference is price and id say to get the one where youd find the lowest price. They both are very user friendly and have the same interface, so the only thing left to consider is the price.