Hi all. I recently purchased an R4 SDHC Upgrade Revolution for DS card, plus a Sandisk 8gig hdsc card. The file i was told to download to make it work is the R4 special edition Christmas version.zip I DLed the file, unpacked it onto the card, popped some DS roms onto the card.. fired it up & it all worked ok.... BUT!! ..games tend to freeze up at totally random points(hotel dusk, Metroid pinball, Trauma centre, Phantom hourglass, Phoenix Wright etc) I read that using the Panasonic SD formatter can solve the problem of freezing games on the R4, so i got that.. formatted the card, and put all the stuff back on it & played for a while... still freezes at random points!! I've tried some different roms of the games that freeze... same thing! I've even tried a type of 'paper trick' by placing a small piece of card down into the DS to push the R4 card into the connectors better..didn't help So.. do you think it's the R4 upgrade!(what was the downgrade version like?!) or the Sandisk? After looking through this board i'm going for the R4... I've now ordered an M3 DS Real btw.. it's a DS lite i'm using
Is that the little r in the top right hand corner of the bottom screen? It can be turned green or red... Oh.. and thanks for the reply
hi ziperface i have had a lot of problems trying to find the right firmware for r4 upgrade ds cade i put r4i on 11.4b and it seems working fine hope this helps you cheers danny
I've tried the games with the r set to both green and red.. still freezes! The M3 DS Real arrived yesterday, & after one hour playing Hotel Dusk (using the 8gig SanDisk card) NO freezes I was pretty tired so haven't tried any other games yet... but it seems promising so far. Also the R4 card does not have a holo-sticker thing on the back of it. I've watched a few vids on youtube, and peoples R4s on there had a holographic sticker on them!! So i think the R4 card i've got is a shonky one... so i think i'll be sending it back for a refund. Thanks to those who replied Hopefully the M3 will be ok from here on out...