When I tried using wifi on my R4 I got through all the stuff, but when it got to 'Test Connection' it either continues to keep trying to connect, even though it is full connection, or it doesn't connect at all. I have a Nintendo DS (not light) I am using R4 Kernel v1.18 I only use trimmed roms from 'R4 ROM Trimmer' I have tried at McDonalds and it doesn't work I have tried it with Metroid Prime Hunters which works with my friend I don't have a Wi-Fi file in my _system_ folder (not sure if you are meant to) PLEASE help me, if I need to connect with an original game first, I have Pokemon Diamond original.
I don't own a router, but when I go to McDonalds or places with WiFi, it doesn't work. I also tried with a router at my friends house and I think it was WEP.
I will soon be getting a router so can you please send me a screenshot of the router page that the DS can connect to. Thanks
you have to set up a wifi connection for your ds ..Nintendo have a good page may i suggest you look at it to see the list of routers that are compatible..
It can be either, although the wireless router would be better, as with a usb stick, it means your computer would have to be on.
Thanks. I was wondering though why my R4 doesn't work at McDonalds though because I've heard they work there?