I have an R4DS, and the software it came with is the chinese version. I want to get it into an english version, and everytime i try to download the software, and load it onto my SD card, it doesnt work. I get to the boot screen, and some error pops up, and i cannot access anything in the SD card. can someone help me?
Get the Firmware from here make sure the 4 files are on the route of the sd card. Im also sure that there is a english and chinese version of the r4 available. Not sure if the chinese version is compatable with the english firmware.
"http://www.savefile.com/files/740901 Download the English firmware Then place the _DS_MENU.dat in the same folder as the patch.exe then when it asks for filename type _DS_MENU.dat" i've found the above information on the net, hope it helps.