Hi Peoples, I bought this R4iSDHC for about almost a year and i got a problem... My R4i SDHC was working fine until now and it isnt working now(2 months now)... It's not showing on my NDSi game slot... II put it in my cosin NDSL and it didnt work too... I also put it on my sister's NDSi and still not working... My cosin R4i SDHC is the same problem as mine R4i SDHC... ANYONE GOT ANY CLUES? Or how to fix it? Im seriously mad because i search threw the Wide Web and i got nothing that's similar to mine... HELP PLEASE!!!
Did you upgrade the firmware of DSi ? If yes, that would be the reason . Nintendo released a new firmware 1.4.1/1.4.2 to block flashcart . You need to buy a new cart since R4i SDHC didn't have a fix for it .
I did upgrade it to 1.4.1 and i still have now and when i upgraded it, it still work until like a month ago, it died ..... I think what went wrong was that my bro took the cover off and put it in my DSi and it's the reason because when i came from school, it was stuck and the led was off :/..... It took me almost a day to just take it out -_-... Somethin must've been broken or it's just my R4i SDHC or somethin'.... I compare my R4i-SDHC with my cozin and there's nothin' missing nor scratched.... And Ideas people? BTW when i pull the card out, it haven't been working!
Well the led was tooken off and idk why but it got stuck or somethin :/,,,, and yes i did, it worked also my regular games like Kindom Hearts Birth To Sleep worked too It's just the R4i-SDHC? Well when i used my R4i-SDHC with other DSi or DSl and it does t work...