.ra files

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Skym, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. Skym

    Skym Guest

    Hi Gang,
    I've got a .ra file. I use Streambox for all my audio. Normally this will convert .ra files. However, this new file I've got requires a newer version of Real Player. I could sign up for a 14 Day 'Free' trial. This would require me to sign up and give my credit card details (not something I wish to do). Is there any other workaround to get this file to play? Preferably without having to give monetary information out! I don't mind sending donations etc...but not my card details.

    Regards, Pete.

    PS: Still a fine site even with the removal of certain products!
  2. Skym

    Skym Guest

    I'll answer my own question. Hope this helps others...I've been looking around the Internet. Came across www.oldversion.com Now, here you can download newer versions of Real Player. However, I did and the .ra file I had still would not open.

    Then, I found Alternative Real-Player (same site)Downloaded that...it told me a version of Real Player was on my system, do I want it removing? Yes please. Which it did. The alternative version then installed itself and the .ra file opened! NO PROBLEMS.

    So now, I can dump Real stuff altogether. The alternative works on the old .ra files I convert too. So, an all in one...and best of all...NO credit card details required. It's a wonder Real can stay in business with those practices.

    Others on this site may use other programs to do as I have done, but for me this works fine! I'm only a novice and so can't get my head round anything too technical. But this site is the Bee's dangly bits and long may it run.


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