what would be better? this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145197 or this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145184 ?
I'd recommend the second, you will only need PC8500 if you're overclocking, and I would only recommend overclocking to those more experienced with PCs.
Yea but the price is only 20 more and it also has fans included in the first. So it's probably same price if it was without fans. So why would the second there cost the same price if it's slower? Should it cost less? What is the difference between corsair, corsair xms, and corsair xms2? Thank You. Peace.
depends on how dependant you are about your RAM. i was in the same dilemma, but i chose the second one because it was cheaper. i never planned on overclocking that much, or overclocking my RAM, so 800 was more suffient than 1066. plus, my RAM wasnt going to be that hot, so a fan wasnt neccessary so i got whats cheaper. unless you need 1066 or a fan or plan on overclocking that much, i would get the second link.
And the 800 won't make a difference from the 1066 right? cuz i want to get what's better for gaming.. Oh and wehat's the difference between corsair, xms, and xms2? which is best list in order from worst to best. also a second list from oldest to newest.
Also the second link is if ur not gonna overclock right? answer all questions above post too. thanks. peace. Oh look this one has the best latency http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145194&Tpk=corsair should i get this?
i dont plan on OC'ng my memory and im getting the first link. but im getting the 4x1gb pack its half the price.
I use the exact RAM in the first link and it's excellent, but it doesn't need the cooler, and neither will the cheaper RAM, and since you will never notice the speed difference unless you overclock, there's no reason to spend the extra, no matter how little extra it is. The 4x1GB pack is fine, but I'm surprised it's cheaper, everywhere I look, 4x1GB is more expensive for high-grade RAM. The last link you posted is very good value, it's not particularly fast RAM but it will suit you fine.
Ok ima get the first link then because it seems like it has had the least problems? and ur saying that 4x1gb is even better? where did u get that at cheaper? I only have 2x2gb. And if u were to only buy a 2gb it would cost more than 2x1gb i believe. Oh how would 4x1gb be better for high grade than 2x2gb? Would it show a difference? I thought 2gbs are better.. I mean like the same thing but more on 1 card.... then how would it make a difference from 2x1gb ?
No, 4x1GB is the most problematic for overclocks, but it tends to be more expensive, because, reduced size or not, the fact that there are four sticks to produce rather than two, increases how much they cost to produce. You need to try and realise that just because something is more expensive doesn't necessarily mean it's better.
Oh well yea now I know. Ok but would the "stock" first link be better than the second link? I see it's only 18$ more the price of the fan so yea I would get it if it's better since price isn't that much apart from the second link their almost same prices. Also I want to ask is corsair the best ram brand?
I don't understand half of that post. Corsair is in my opinion, and in that of most people here, the best RAM brand.
It is faster memory, but it won't make your system any faster. For someone on a limited budget like yourself, you can't afford to waste money.
I think it will but faster a little faster; I think i should get the first link.. well the last link is the same memory clock and the first link but I think the first link is better and newer. so yea. should i just go for the first link?
No, it doesn't make a difference. I know, because I've tested both types. Keep imagining it will if you must, but seriously, you're 14, you can't afford to waste money on stuff you don't need.
what if it was this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145215 vs the first link and the second link and the third link would they still be the same? Oh also if i was to get one which one would be better this as the first link http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145197 or this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145214 ? I see this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145214 has cas latency say 2t at the end while the other doesn't and says for high performance and gaming while the other says nothing. Is it they forgot to put high performance and gaming for the other one so it's also used for high performance and gaming? and also is version number TWIN2X4096-8500C5D and the one with the fan is TWIN2X4096-8500C5DF with the f. Are they still the same? Would it be better to get the one with the fan? And if they are "EXACTLY" the same did new egg mess up on the price or something? The original price for the ones without a fan is hecka more than the ones with the fan.
im getting these http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145179 but not from newegg, and for half the price of newegg thats why im getting them otherwise id go for a 2x2gb but thats me