Hey I have a random clicking noise on my computer. it sounds like some one clicking on a link. I am just wondering what it is or what it could be. cheers
my first thought would be your hard disk is about to fail and die. how ever it may be just one of your fans, or a roach trying to get back out...
Death Watch Beetle... very common with Nvidia graphics cards The infection gets in first through the windows cd used to install the OS.. The cd driver is made of wood see.. (oakcdrom.sys).. Luckily we eradicated dutch elm disease, but not after the loss of quite a few wooden legs.
Either my meds have kicked in or is everyone a comic? A roach trying to get out and wooden cd's? You guy's have brightened up an otherwise ordinary start to my day.
@ varnell - PSML LOL LOL @ thecake - I kid thee not! you wouldnt believe the number of moths and other small insects I have extacted the insides of PCs over the years...
I think it's either going to be an ordinary noise.. like HDD writes.. or a cable touching a fan. I have found some weird things in pc's over the years.. like the non starter with a dead mouse welded to the cpu fan. Really what else can we suggest except opening it up and doing some investigative work.
Well it might be that hamster that runs in the wheel powering the CPU has finally had it and needs to be replaced. They can only run for soo long before you need a new one.
First tho... maybe pouring some of this in the vents to rejuvenate your rodent? until this point is reached Then all hope is lost.
You could also check to see if your hamster is a boy or a girl. Then get it a mate, play some romantic music, then u got enough power for years to come!!
On a more serious note, it could just be that a java-based application is running in the background. The Java runtime environment makes random clicking sounds through speakers. 5+ years of it and I've yet to come up with an answer.
That'll be the Java 'beans' then Sorry, couldn't resist; but yes, it could also be a fan that's either failing or needing cleaning out, or the hard disk that's trying to give you a hint as to it's health.
Just his brother Mr. No Hope. I'm glad I upped the dosage of my meds....this stuff is getting better!
lol, you all have no shame, hilarious none the less. @TheCake If the sound is coming from your speakers and not the pc itself then it is most likely a spam blocker letting you know that it's working. Sometimes when clicking on links spam or additional sites will try to popup, and when it's blocked it will sound like a clicking sound. When they get through it almost sounds like a bloop sound... (Awaiting the eventual barrage of beetle, mouse, or poltergeist in the pc jokes)
Can you elaborate a little on that one redux? How does it go again? Not sure we got the full effect! ...LOL XD
My parents still have AOL and I'm the one who takes care of any updates or problems ever since they crashed their pc after talking to tech support for 4 hours. The AOL spam/popup blocker makes the clicking and yes blooping sounds, that's the best way to describe it. My dad likes to crank the sound up to listen to his sports highlights and leaves the subwoofer on max. believe me I've had the f'n crap scared out of me when I go to click a link and get either of those sounds (especially the bloop). Not to long ago I hit my knee on the bottom of the desk so hard the monitor almost fell over.
Now that's funny. Ever tried to drink your coffee while reading a really funny thread? It's almost impossible with some members. you end up wiping most of it off your monitor and keyboard. That's not funny. That's standard issue..lol
I still use aol mail service but none of their software is on my pc. They do very well keeping viri and spam away from my email. Moms and Dads sometimes know more than you think Redux79. this thread's hilarious. LOL
I read a few threads from my mobile while drinking a soda. I still can't get part of my handset cleaned from that day. Dam you Goodswipe!!