im 17 live in fresno ca. dont drive next year will be my last year in HS My school is sunnyside the wild cats mexican american love america Love MS Love windows Love Xbox have a dreamcast had others sega 7-29-87 like Rap music only not racies dont know my Father my fav song is nothin' but a G thing my fav artist dont really have one My fav sport teams are -raiders -Lakers dont like baseball Happy most of the time
I give you props for liking the RAIDERS. go silver and black! Poor Gannon...he was a great qb. at least my #12 Jersey will be a collectors item now. p.s. what the hell is with all your damn threads in the safety valve? holy crap!
i get little sleep, so i come here to type and have yahoo radio on. right now im at that about it. rich is gone? i didnt know that. We still need a QB. my only other posting is at Xbox360 i only came here to be in Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Revolution.
rap4life As a mom I'd rather have you on the internet(and no better site than AD I might add) than on the streets so that's one good thing. But why not venture out into the forums -Read & Learn! What a powerful combo
@djscoop: It would be a real collector's item if you had the original jersey, when he was a Minnesota Viking, when he started his career. I really liked him. BTW, I am from northern Minnesota.
Not better than John Elway or Joe Montanna though,but everyone is intitled to their own oppinions right .
Me is smart me no needs Reads & Learns . I Know my spelling needs help but my reading level is hight then my spelling odd isnt it. I most likely think it was 1 game that help my reading fallout. I think u shouldnt tell me what i should do, Since ur not the Popo, or my mom. just an idea but u dont have to, i dont really care not like you can change my mind of any thing.
@rap4life: You are not smart, and someone needs to get you on the right track. However, I don't think it will be binkie, or me.
i know your 17 but cant you pretend to spell correctly or use the right grammar and when some one is obviously trying to help you just take it on the chin instead of typing the above crap. @ BINKIE7 : good try but i doubt if your kind words will sway him
@rap4life. Are you not interested in movies then? What are you going to do after HS? What are your PC specifications? Have you ventured outside the Safety valve yet, even to just look through some of the other sections? Do you think you can keep coming up with topics for the safety valve, because I am now out of them as it seems you have them all nailed..............LOL.............?
why are you here? People come here for a lot of things but more often or not its for information on there projects within the multimedia regions.What interests you!!! What are you doing?
i went to yahoo search and put in x box 360 vs PS3 then found this website. since i like to play yahoo radio but got bord dont nothing but hearing music so this web site save me from only hearing music. I also say to get infomation and read other ppl ideas, i think ppl need to stop hearing or reading only one side of a story or idea. I want to get the Koran to read it.i love history. i watch evey specal on PBS thier was a good one last year about bin Ladain, He was used for his money and name when he fought aganst Russia. did you now that B**** takes at less 1 min before he talks what a stupped a**
WHEN i said what are you doing, i meant that;like what are your multimedia hobbies but it seems that you like to wander off on any tangent and not really answer any body's questions. where did you expect to find the koran here? Maybe you should browse the forums a bit, read peoples posts, enjoy yourself and then when you find something that you dont understand post and we will try and help you. As for the koran heres a link that may help you: