rare xbox problem need help please

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by rocker987, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. rocker987

    rocker987 Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    Hello everyone I go to this site often to find answers to the problems that I will have and this is my favorite place to go as i know you guys will always have the right answer. I have an odd problem that I am not sure if this group has ever had and would really appreciate some help with it. This friend of mine I used to know modded my xbox (not softmodded though) a while back and it has worked great and i suppose i got a bit greedy and got a certain auto installer disc (Slayer's I believe) so i booted this disc and was checking out all of the different options when with one slip of my thumb i ended up selecting restore ms dashboard (or something similar) and since that day up until now my xbox will load up the ms dashboard and acts as if it is completely unmodded! The AID disc wont load! I can not escape the ms dashboard! Any help you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  2. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    if you put in any boot disc and boot of your chip (flip the switch / hold the power button for 3 seconds / ...), the boot disc (slayer/aid) will boot of the chip.

    btw.which bios is your chip running from (what do you get at startup screen, an evox or executer logo)? if it doesn't show any logo (only ms's logo) then it hasn't got a chip in it. if you are really sure there is a chip in it, then your chip is fried and you need to do a softmod.

    but i think there never has been a chip in it and you killed the softmod by restoring the ms dashboard.......
  3. rocker987

    rocker987 Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    First, thank you so much for replying to my problem.
    I think that you are right about it being softmodded because when i would start up the xbox it would first give me the ms logo and then it would go to a blue screen that had a spinning evolutionx logo in the background and the menu had options like launch game launch dvd apps etc.. I checked the xbox after i saw your reply and found that the friend opened the xbox as the screw on the bottom sticker was unscrewed and screwed back on. I wish i was there to know what he did so i could be of more help to you. I understand what to do if he softmodded but if for some reason he didnt softmod it since he did open up the xbox would there be any other way to fix it in that situation?
    Thanks again
  4. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    you do not have a chip in it!!! you only have a softmod,the spinning thingie is the evolutionx dashboard screen you see. namely the softmod's dashboars. if you have a chip in it, you should have been able to load the boot cd at power on. you were only able to load the boot cd when your dashboard had fired up, so you do not have a modchip in it.

    the fact that he opened it up, is most probably an indication that he used the hotswap technique to softmod! or maybe switched the hard drives at a certain moment, who knows. changes are almost none that you have a chip in it. another way to look for the chip, is just open your xbox up. look for a chip on the mainboard, it will be on the lpc header. if look at the left side of your xbox, and look through the metal and plastic casing at the left side you should be able see a chip sitting there if there is one. but don;t hold your breath, i don't think there is one (even if there is one, your chip is malfunctioning. it isn't working, so that isn't much help to you anyways

    in short:
    so do the/a softmod again.... do the hotswapping again (look for tuts on the forum) or get one of the 3 original games and the game exploit. or ask your friend to do it again

    unless you backed up the eeprom.bin, than do the hdm tutorial (easiest). if not, hotswapping or original games are your only options (Search for the tutorials on this site)
  5. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Maybe not.. it could be a tsop flash

    why the hell don't people actually ASK these so called "friends" exactly what they have done.

    btw.. the xbox logo followed by a different dash is how just about every modded box starts up.. nothing unusual there.

    your best chance is either to read the hotswap softmod guides (because you have overwritten one of the dash files killing your softmod exploit) or look into actually doing the mod again with either a memory card of pendrive set up as a memory unit... even perhaps just trying a hotswap to drop the softmod exploit files on the hdd, before running the exploit game...

    This stuff is real easy, but you do have to be prepared to read the guides and stickies and then work it out.
  6. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    i didn't thought about the tsop flash, BUT if it was a tsop flash, the xbox should boot any boot disc at start up.Aand an evox or executer bios logo should appear at start-up.

    i agree, ask your friend what he did... furthermore, i agree, read the tuts.. they are easy and have pictures...

    and i will put my proverbial money on a softmod, tsop flash is way too much hassle compared to a softmod. so start reading about how to softmod your xbox....

    and no, without the original games and a way to put the exploit on your harddrive you cannot softmod..... and yes, for the hotswap method you do not need an original game or to put the exploit on your xbox's harddrive. so hotswapping is the cheapest way to softmod again, using the games is the easiest way.... (imho)
    good luck....

  7. rocker987

    rocker987 Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    haha easy guys! I know hardly anything about modding which is why i am asking the questions! Varnull, the "friend" was a complete dick and I wouldn't ask him anything these days. Anyways, thank you guys for the help and I'll be softmodding it through the action replay/game method.

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