OK so I downloaded a torrent where the file format is .ras I can't find anything to unzip/extract/decompress it. How can I open it? I have been trying to download it for so long and don't want all of my work to be in vain?!!? Help?! Please?
I was surprised myself, but there are .ras formats. One is Image and the other is games. I don't know anything about them, but: http://www.fileinfo.net/extension/ras
Thanks for the info! If anything would open that it would be Photoshop or Gimp in X11... What is it you tried downloading?
i d\l a movie file and its in .ras format. i checked up an found that : Corel Paint Shop Pro C Point Photo Magic FMJ-Software Image Eye ACDSee XnView The GIMP could be used to open if it was an image file and the game file relates to Rockstar's Max Payne. of which my file is neither so i'm stuck with it too.