I am getting this error EVERY TIME I try to create a ratdvd file from a DVD File: Error Signature: AppName: xebencoder.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.2945 Offset: 00012a5b I have ABSOLUTELY NO DVD ripping software or codecs of any kind on the machine I am using ratdvd on. Please help me. I am trying to back up my DVD collection and I am at a loss as to why this is happening. Much thanks to anyone who can successfully help me!
OK, I found out that it's just one DVD file group : "Atomic Journeys" won't compress with ratdvd without crashing so it might be an error in the video DVD structure.The dvd has already been decrypted. Now, I know that there's a ratdvd-compatible program I use to fix this problem with the DVD files, Anyone here know what program to use to repair the broken DVD Video files? Thanks Again In Advance.