ratDVD Serious Problem - HD Wiped

Discussion in 'ratDVD discussion, help and suggestions' started by DJ_Price, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. DJ_Price

    DJ_Price Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I left ratDVD to covert a dvd into the rat format over night & all went well. Then i thought i would convert it back to dvd to test how long the process would be, but i had to cancel the process because i was going out & needed to turn the pc off, but the cancel wouldnt work for a few minutes, then when it did i checked where i saved the rat file i converted & the program has wiped the whole drive apart from the rat file. Ive lost everything on there, can anyone help me something very good for recovery & if its a problem anyone else has had happening to them.
  2. h3llfish

    h3llfish Member

    Apr 25, 2006
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    i've got the same.. hmm.. error?
    whole partition emptied, about 60Gigs of files gone for now.. I'm currently trying to recover something.
    It seems to happen when canceling a ratdvd -> DVD (ISO file) conversion.
    Is there some logfile where I could see what happened?

    @ DJ_Price
    If I have success in recovering I will try to help you..

    Everything happened when using ratDVD 0.78.1444 .
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2006
  3. DJ_Price

    DJ_Price Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Hi, I was sent a file recovery program called "GetDataBack for NTFS" & it worked really well, a few essential files were 0 bytes, but im slowly getting them back from various sources. I would suggest checking out the site for the program, i believe that it's one of the best software recovery programs out there: http://www.runtime.org/gdb.htm There the NTFS version & also a FAT version depending on the system your running of course. Just a shame i lost the files in the first place, i think it was around 80gb of stuff, i recovered around 78gb.

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