Hi all, Just got a new DSTTi card for the young one.Waiting on the DSi Console,in the post. Can someone please tell me if it is OK to load and use the new firmware 1.17. without using the upgrade firmware first.One more thing will this work OK ???
Hi Sexy, I take it them that you just rooted the 1.17 Firmware and noting else to the SD Card,and it worked from that setup. PS..Thanks for the reply.
newest firmware for dstt/dstti 1.17a07 this runs mario ans sonic winter Olympics patched, and mario and luigi bowsers story, http://filetrip.net/f7527-DSTT-kernel-1-17a07.html
check out my old post http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f...rs_story_working_on_dstt_cart_1_17a07-805925/