I am re-installing windows XP and it gives me the options to set up XP on selected partition, create new partition, or delete the following partitions: -: Partition1 [FAT] 55 MB( 47 MB free) C: Partition2 [NTFS] 147770 MB ( 35458 MB free) Unpartitioned space 8 MB F: Partition3 [FAT32] 4754 MB ( 710 MB free) Which ones should I delete? If any?
Hi Spartan57! -: Partiton1 [FAT] is the Ulitity Partiton - DO NOT DELETE THIS AS IT MAY CONTAIN BIOS SETTINGS (unless you have then it wont matter that much i hope...) C: Partition2 [NTFS] is *most likley* your System Partition, and is the one you are looking for. Unpartitioned space is the random bit of space at the end of the hard drive that is too small to use.. F: Partition3 [FAT32] is probably a secondary disk or USB drive or some thing (you are more likley to know than me..), as its only 5GB its not able to hold a windows XP install. FORMATTING YOUR PARTITION WILL DESTORY ALL FILES AND DATA ON THE PARTITION. if you are trying to do a clean re-install and want no data or files from the old system then formating is the thing to do. Regards Nick
moved to correct forum. spartan, are you using the recovery disk or recovery partition off the hard drive as i believe fartition is your recovery partition? nick, xp will fit into that fartition with no problem but vista will be to big for it.
Hi dpp! I more meant all the other junk that goes with a system partition such as programs folder office etc.. of F:\, - good point about the reovery partiton tho! Regards Nick
Partition 1 is a recovery tool(similar to norton ghost) that your computer comes with and these can be deleted if you have no use for it. Partition 2 is your old windows installation so format this to fix your computer. Partition 3 is a image file that partition 1 looks for to recover the OS. (I have a computer with a really similar partition layout to yours.)