I have an avi file. I used AVI Splitter to split a chunk of the file but the audio is now out-of-sync. How can I correct this? I don't want to encode it in TMPG or any other MPEG converter, I just want to keep it an avi file but re-sync the audio.
Load it into virtualdub. Click Audio, Interleave. In the lower box, adjust skew. Use negative numbers to get audio to start before video if needed. Click Video, compression, choose a codec. Click File, save avi.
Just to note that you don't need to select a codec, that just encodes it agian. Just select 'direct stream copy' when you save the new avi, it does it much quicker. Thanks again.
Good point. Somehow I was thinking frameserve, but didn't get around to that bit, and substituted "codec" and "save".
try to remux your AVI by SolveigMM AVI Trimmer, it repairs A/V sinc. http://www.solveigmm.com/?Products&p=AVITrimmer
Thanks, I'll give it a go. I noticed with VDub that if the audio was encoded in VBR the audio has skew problems. So if you levelled up the sync at the beginning of the segement it would be out of sync by the end of it.
Prograssive sync issues require much more work. If you have Goldwave, and are at least a bit familiar with how audio editing apps work, you can do it fairly easily with the "Time Warp" function.
I do have GoldWave as a matter of fact, but I've never used that feature. I just wanted to say I tried that SolviegMM AVI Trimming tool and it works a treat. Even solves the audio skew issue with VBR audio. I'd recommend it.
I would just like to thank whoever the guy was who posted the link and/or wrote the virtual dub program. I downloaded a bit torrent of walt disney WWII propaganda cartoons. All the avi files played in sync - save one - the only one I really wanted - "Education For Death" a story about a young german boy sucked into the thralls of the nazi doctrine. The clip is narrated by leonard maltin and was out of sync really bad. The program fixed it almost instantly. I wish I had this thing long ago! Many thanks!