using decryptor or shrink the read or rip speed is only maxed at like 2.4 and write maybe 4 to 6 max i have a nec 6100a 8x dual layer burner, why is the read so slow? i dont think it should take half hour to rip to hd but what do i know anyways any ideas or helpfull hints will be appreciated
I don't think that time is all that bad, ripping with your burner. If you are reading a two hour movie in 30 minutes or so then your read speed is actually around 4X. The specs on your NEC 6100a say this: DVD-Video 2-5x (CAV). So that seems about right. How are you figuring the 2.4X read speed? Just curious. I just figure if a two hour movie rips in 30 minutes then thats 4X. As far as DVD-5 burn times go, I figure that 14 minutes is about 4X, 28 minutes is 2X, 7 minutes is 8X. Thats just the way I figure it out, nothing complicated (or all that accurate.) I don't know if there is any hacked firmware availible to "unlock" the read speed. Something to think about. Bear in mind it voids the warranty and could ruin your burner if not done correctly. Just Google for NEC firmware and see what's out there.