hello,i have a huge problem,well its huge to me n e way. i borrowed a friends jvc hard disk camcorder to record anoter friends wedding for them,the files have saved in a dom format,i have never heard of this before and the only program i can find that will open it is nero vision express. thats all fine . i get the movie to a point where i am reallt happy with it,go to add chapters and the whole program will close,making me lose all my work in the process. can these files be converted so i can use another program? or am i just doing something wrong? i would really apreciate some help with this and it was a really good friends wedding and i would really hate to let them down. thanks and i hope i didnt waste anybodys time with this
so the files appear as *.dom are you sure I cant find anything apart from some refences to java programing
no you are right,i wrote te wrong thing down,really sorry. its .MOD thanks heaps for replying sorry i should re-read things before i post next time.....