Hi there Im not sure if this is the right place to post my question. if not I am sorry about that. I have a Pioneer DVDRW DVR-k17B drive, and for some reason that it cannot burn DVDs. I'm usin windows XP, and I tried to use Nero, DVD Decrypter, alcohol 120, etc. non of them worked for me. Also, after I finished burning the DVD, as I can see from the other side of DVD that shows the DVD has been used. Could someone can help me fix the problem PLEASE? Thank you P.S. the drive does work for CDs.
Your post leaves a lot to be desired for explanation. What exactly does "cannot burn DVDs" mean in your instance? Did you get an error message while burning? Are they unreadable? Have you verified your source material? There are people here willing to help but you're not giving very much to go on. Have you tried a simple experiment of writing data to a DVD and see if it can be read back/verified by Nero? There are a lot of things missing from your post and (apparently) a lot of things you haven't tried yet.
thanks for your time dailun I am really sorry about the unclear explaination. I am just not good with English. what I mean was when I trying to use Nero, alcohol 120 etc to burn a DVD, such as ISO or save the RM video on the DVDs. there is no error message and all that kind of stuff when I using the software. it just like there are doing their jobs. however, after there finished, there is nothing on the DVDs when I opened it. also as I said, I can see from the other side of DVD that shows the DVD has been used. Im not sure if that's a better one, or you can just ask me questions, I will answer it as soon as I can. Thanks again P.S. I will just go try the nero thing.
OK, so I would classify this as "DVD unreadable after burn". 1. can you burn a CD? 2. Try the simple data test with a DVD. 3. Have you ever been able to burn (anything CD or DVD) with this drive? Good luck.
Thanks again dailun I can easily burn a CD with this drive, and I have tried lots of time and different kind of softwares. non of them worked. Could that be some problems with my XP system, cuz I had this problem with my other computer also.
Have you tried to burn a Data DVD using Nero the verify after burn option? Of course, it is also possible that your drive is defective. I had a Sony drive that could brun CDs but not DVDs. After several e-mails back and forth Sony declared the drive "dead" and replaced it.
Hey dailun I did what you told me to verify the data after burning. It took me at least 10 mins. However, a window pop-up says verifying failed and too many errors etc. Still, nothing on the DVD. What can I do now? Also, when I was looking the property of my DVD drive, there was a place that need me to choose a DVD region or something. And it says I can only choose 5 times and so on, is this thing matters? Thank you so much
The results of your test pretty much says that your drive is defective and cannot write DVDs. I have had at least one drive fail in a similar fashion. I suggest replacing the drive since they are relatively cheap nowadays, but in you case if you want to do one more test see if Pioneer has any diagnostic software on their website (Sony did and they made me run it to prove that the drive had problems).
I just thought i would mention this i know that some dvd burners are fussy about which brand media you are using. I had a problem like this and just switched the brand of blank disks fixed it for me. Good Luck
thx Darkmat and Dailun I will go try what you guys says````maybe I need to switch the dvds cuz I always get the same brand. Lets see
thx again Darkmat and Dailun I just brought some new DVDs and switched to HP. it worked thank alot guys