Reboot after installing XBMC gives "your xbox requires service"

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by dubseller, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. dubseller

    dubseller Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Hey all! Been a while since my last post, but I really need some help please. I softmodded my xbox about 2 years ago and had it all packed up when I decided to return to school. Last night, I wanted to install the XBMC so I could stream video directly from my laptop through a wireless router. I pulled the ol' xbox out and set it all up.

    I ftp'd to the xbox and thought I was following instructions when I deleted my evox.ini, evoxdash.xbe and eboxdash.xbe from my xbox's c:\ and dropped the XBMC folder into the c: from my laptop. I forgot to drop the default.xbe from my xbmc folder from my laptop and rebooted the xbox. Now I get the "your xbox requires service. Please call xbox customer suppot" error.

    It's been a long time since I messed with this stuff and wanted to know if there is a way to fix this problem. I have all the necessary things for a softmod still (splinter cell, action replay, etc). I remember going through this before and there was a quick way to ftp back into my xbox, but I just don't remember how I did it. Appreciate any help and I thank anyone in advance for their comments!
  2. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    If you have already softmodded the xbox odds are the exploit is still in your saves folder. You should try to throw spinter cell in the xbox and see if it will boot the game. Then try to load a save to see if your expoit is still there. If the exploit is still on the box it will load a temporary dash that will allow you to ftp. This should be exactly what you're talkin about. If you can't load your exploit you'll have to hotswap.
  3. dubseller

    dubseller Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    hey thanks a lot for your reply. Actually that was exactly what I did. I put splinter cell back in and ftp'd back and everything's working great again. But I am going nuts trying to setup XBMC. I can ftp to my xbox fine but I have no clue how to setup xbmc. I don't know where to go to setup up a connection to my network. I have been at it for over 12 hours...! Please ask for more info from me if you need. So far, I have my laptop connected wirelessly to my router and the xbox connected to my router. I want to access my laptop from my xbox and I am totally lost. Help is GREATLY appreciated thanks!
  4. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    To share files from your pc you have to setup a network.

    - go to the control panel and click on "Network Setup Wizard"

    - go through the setup process by selecting the appropriate options.

    - name your network something that you'll remember "i usually name networks by the street address"

    - after you have setup your network right click on the folder you want to share and select "sharing and security"

    - click the box next to "share this folder on the network" and make sure you name it something you'll reconize

    Last step: Now all you have to do is select the media option from xbmc (example: videos to watch videos) and select smb for the source. You should then see what you named your workgroup and then when you select the workgroup you should see the name of your computer then the folder you shared.

    If you have any issues let me know and we'll solve them.

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