I have a Panasonic PT-60LCX64C that I bought 1.5 years ago, and now I am receiving the infamous "change your lamp" message... I have to make the replacement, but my original still seems to work. Is there any danger in using my old lamp until it dies? If it blows, will that cause damage to something else inside the TV? I have checked out on some sites but their price rates are very high about $370. I want to know is that the right cost or can I get at more reasonable rate and from where? Because I want to get rid of this replacement after very short time spans? Thanks for the help everyone!
well jasmith, If you are receiving the message of the replacing the lamp then why don't you go for replacing it. The old seems to work well but it will blow out soon. As for as price is concerned. the lamp is an expensive product. Panasonic replacement lamp . Good luck!
It will blow out. hmmmm it already has happened to me and my lamp blew out but if you think that it is quite well then carry on but do suggest with some tech person first. Try this Panasonic Lamp. Its of $219.99. Hope to have a positive response.
Yea the price is high. you can find the lamp of good brand atleast at $200- $250. The lamps have to replace on occasions but yea you can extend their life by taking some necessary measures. like Don't place the Tv in warm environment. Clean the air-filters.