Recently modded Xbox X3CE but can't do much else, HELP!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by sagentry, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. sagentry

    sagentry Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    This is the dl,

    I recently bought the Xecuter CE (the newest one) modchip with the external flash memory switch. It has been installed flawlessly. I have a v1.6b Xbox.

    What do I do now? Dumb question, I know, but I keep getting incredibly different methods on what steps I am to take after the initial modchip install.

    I need to load a cracked bios, correct? I got all the dashboard files I need off the mIRC rooms using FlashFXP and yadda yadda. I guess the biggest thing holding me back is no matter what I do I cannot use FlashFXP to connect to my box so I can copy the original drives files over. It is rediculous. I have a wireless linksys router and Cat5's up teh wahzoo and have tried every combination of IP adress and username/password I could think of as well as manually changing the xbox's IP, DNS....... I also burned and seemingly wasted 5 CDRW's trying to manually install junk onto my console which is refuses to read.

    I am at a loss and have been at this for a week and have come up with nothing but wasted time and CDRW's. Side note, I plan to install a 320G hd into the console when all is said and done with...with that in mind, i'm gessing getting my xbox connected to my pc so I can http this shyte is probably the most crucial step i'm missing.

    Any ideas? Thoughts? Feelings? HELP! I'm tired of looking at this blue screen on my TV. Thanks!

    My first post btw. I've heard a lot of good things about this forum.
  2. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you need to flash the chip with the x3 bios. make sure you use the correct bios for the version xbox you have.
  3. sagentry

    sagentry Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Thanks for the reply.

    I went back to flash the bios without going through the network and using a CDRW (using what i assume is the correct bin file) as well as adding some dummy space and then I booted from the chip. All it does is eject the CD and it says "Please instert CD - Flashing Mode". I thought I did it right by putting the bin file and a dummy file on ISO and then burned it. What now? No matter what i stick in the thing, it says the same thing.

  4. canofan24

    canofan24 Guest

    this is not ebay. edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2007
  5. sagentry

    sagentry Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Well, I spent most of the day trying to figure this mod thing out and i'm stumped. I did exactly what this tutorial said ( with respect to updated versions as well as other bios tutorials and cannot get my xbox to load this CDRW. If anyone has any other suggestions, please help. I even went back and rechecked all of my solder points earlier today. If someone could spell it out to me from the beginning, it would be appreciated. I'm not that much of a newbie and this doesnt seem too difficult, I just don't understand why flashing the bios is not working for me and why the dozens of tutorials i've read give me the same conclusion.

  6. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    flash it over the can flash the chip from your computer if your xbox is hooked up to the network.

    also when you click flash bios, the cd drive is supposed to pop open. did you try closing it after it opened?

    what is your problem, get out of this thread if you aren't gonna help him.
  7. sagentry

    sagentry Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Well, I would do the whole network thing but no matter what I try I cannot get this xbox to show up on FlashFXP which in turn is the reason why I'm burning all these CDRWs because I can't get the thing to connect so I can flash the bios. And yes, I did close it after it poped out and was lucky enough to experience a "... Halting" message (which is different from all the other messages I ever get) last night. I think I almost have this burning thing down if I could figure out what EXACT EvoX files from mIRC I need to burn. Anyone know exactly what I need to burn? I'm so close I can smell it.

    THanks for the reply.
  8. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you need the .bin file that works with a 1.6b xbox. also when you flash over the network, you simply use internet explorer, you do not use flashfxp. it has been so long since i have done this, let me look up what you type into the internet explorer address bar.

    here follow this guide for flashing over the network....remember the bios must be saved on your pc somewhere.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2007
  9. sagentry

    sagentry Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    That tutorial was perfect. Everytime I tried to get onto the team executer wesite it would send me to some weird search engine or something. But from that link I found that the only reason i couldn't connect to the Xbox was because I was using firefox and not explorer, haha. It ended up working and adding the new hard drive and modding this xbox after getting that darn bios on was a breeze. Crazy how it was such a small detail. Thanks again for the help mdsup, i greatly appreciate it.

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